Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Hello friends. Greetings from historic Memphis, Tennessee, birthplace of rock and roll. We just played last night at the Hi Tone (actually, it was at some art gallery or something, but it was scheduled to be at the still-unfinished Hi Tone, down the street, and promoted by the same people), which was rocking. I know what yr thinking, though - "I memorized the Bring Back the Dudes tour dates immediately after they were posted, and Memphis was not on the schedule!" Well, yr right about that. We added that show later on, as we will sometimes do, only to forget to tell you about it. Could that have anything to do with the fact that there weren't too many people at the show? Could very well be. Anyway, let's not make that same mistake twice. Here are the new dates.

TONIGHT May the 7th, we will be playing in Little Rock, Arkansas, at - are you ready for this? - Sticky Fingerz Rock and Roll Chicken Shack. Okay. Why the fuck not. All ages, ten bucks, showtime at nine pm.

THIS FRIDAY May the 10th, in addition to our previously announced Houston show at Walter's, we will be doing a #FREE #ALLAGES in-store performance at Cactus Records in that same city. It starts at five pm, and don't be late, because it has to be pretty short - we gotta leave some gas in the tank for the real show, know what I'm saying? Come out and be rocked by us and support an essential local business.

On May the 16th, we will be playing at the Emerald Lounge in Asheville, NC. Tickets are twelve bucks, but it is twenty one plus. Shit. I know we said we were playing in Charlotte, NC on that night, and we believed at the time it was true, but I dunno, I guess somebody fucked up. Lots of bad vibes on this day. We'll see if we can exorcise them via the power of modern rock and roll. Buy tickets here, from Brown Paper Tickets, the preferred ticket seller of Brooklyn's Shea Stadium.

Also, the next day, May 17th, we are playing at a club called Motorco, but it is in DURHAM, North Carolina, not Carrboro, as was previously reported.

Another thing - that "TBD" date we mentioned was going to happen in Oxford, Mississippi? We're not doing that. Sorry, just couldn't get it together. Another time.

I guess I may as well also mention that on May the 13th, we will be joined at Nashville, TN's Stone Fox by none other than Diarrhea Planet, stars of the most recent Monday #CONTENTBLAST. That's sick, dude.

As for the dearth of blasted content since that posting, well, you have to understand - we are on the road now, and internet is scarce, particularly internet that can handle uploading a 1080P video, and I refuse to give you anything but content of the highest possible quality. So just sit tight, ok? I am working on it. I have all the videos finalized and exported - I just need to find a quality internet connection and get on YouTube. The blast is imminent.

I suppose that will be all for now. Tell someone that you love them today.

Yr friend,

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