Hey folks. As you may have heard, if you really have yr ear to the ground on this crazy internet, there is forthcoming a new episode of universally acclaimed web series Titus TV. The final chapter of the series from hot young filmmaker/master of the library sciences Alex Tretiak of Glen Rock, NJ, it is called 'Ted Leo Strikes Back.' Here is the bone-chilling trailer:
It is fitting that this should be the final episode should chronicle our June 2009 tour with Ted Leo and the Pharmacists, as the very first episode of the show detailed a tour that we did in Autumn of 2008 which was intended to be with TL/RX, but ended up being lonely and soul-crushing - here is the trailer for that saga.
Coming very full circle, no? Episode five should be online within the next couple of weeks. Keep yr eyes on this site for further info. Embedded below is the first episode of Titus TV, "Absolute Zero," conveniently divided into three manageable parts, to bring you up to speed. Enjoy!
Yr friend,
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